papier maché

I started to make things from papier maché after finishing my illustration/graphics degree at art college. I have been interested in making 3D artworks/models since sixth form and I started experimenting with papier maché in 1990. I found that it suited the way I work. The artworks I created were 3D canvases on which to illustrate: painting on the surface with acrylic paint. Over the years I have used additional techniques: using maps and board game card, shopping lists and diary pages as collage decoration.

I am having a break from papier maché for now, I may come back to it in the future, though I might well not! But I have found over the years, that it is good to have a break every now and then, which allows me to produce fresh artworks in a new way. I have been learning how to make ceramics since the start of 2023 and I am also focussing on 2D illustration at the moment (2022 onwards) It will be interesting to see if this informs my future work.


illustration: archive